Saturday, September 19, 2015

Transparent iPad

Note love rare bar to the right of it? There, could "face" transparent phone (Window Phone), had occupied the popular top three did not know how long. And now, we will introduce a similar concept design, transparent iPad: Ted Baker iPhone 6 Plus cases

From the creative designer Ricardo Luis Monteiro Afonso, the whole tablet, but the bar on the top of the camera area, and bottom bar start button with the speaker area, the remaining part is transparent! You are holding a piece of delicate glass, but the glass, if need be, it can display static or dynamic pictures!!

With a little background material. IPad on the transparent, although only a conceptual design, but to mankind's existing scientific and technological level, seems to have been able to achieve: a Taiwan company called baochuang (Polytron) company, two days before had demonstrated such a prototype machine, body in addition to the edge of some additional equipment, including the SD card cannot be transparent, but the entire display area has been completely transparent! Those devices at the edge of, just like we are introducing today transparent iPad design, integration into a particular small area looks too perfect, even may be better controlled.

• Transparent treasure company show phone prototype (photo from Ted Baker iPhone 6 Plus cases

Ted Baker iPhone 6 Plus Case - Cotton Dog

Disclosure of some information, according to Bao, similar transparent device, the fastest will be on the market by the end of this year!!! Think love rare introduces the "face" transparent phone (Window Phone), it was in 2009, cannot but appreciate, technology development is really fast – designers, dare to imagine a transparent display world!

Designer: Ricardo Luis Monteiro Afonso


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