Monday, August 31, 2015

'Affordable electricity can help reduce inequality around India'

Senior journalist Shekhar Gupta on Saturday said that the availability of less expensive and reliable power can help cut down on inequality in the country. He was speaking later presenting the annual Soorya Mitraglietta Awards to Fr. Maria Julian, director of Chitra Don Bosco, Chitradurga, and Arjun Menda, trustee of Menda Foundation, Bengaluru, to help with their contribution in promotion of solar technology solutions in rural Karnataka.

Finally the awards were instituted by Selco solar garden light Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru, and founded by Magsaysay Prize winner Harish Hande.

Mr. Gupta said the country was suffering from major power shortage owing to power facilities and losses in transmission and as well , distribution.

Unlike in the past, people are furnished with aspirations. They want to have access to good higher education, job opportunities and quality medical. Though Bihar is a water-rich Feel, it could not be used as growers had no access to electricity. Solar technology has a lot of potential, which is however , to be properly tapped in the country, Mister. Gupta said.

Presiding over the capability, Mr. Hande said that India management of centre for knowledge and technology. It was necessary to create innovations and as well , solutions for the 40 per cent men and women living below the poverty line. It was pretty necessary to create a sustainable model for many development and an inclusive society, your husband said.

Journalist Shekhar Gupta provides annual Soorya Mitra awards

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